Risk Assessment HomeHIV

are you at risk?


Should I be tested?

If you are a man who has sex or has had sex with other men at any time you are at a higher risk of a number of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
These include chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B and C amongst other infections.

How often should I be tested?

We recommend that you consider having regular testing for STI’s even if you are in a stable relationship. This could be every 6 months to 1 year depending on your sexual practice.

Where should I go for testing?

A sexual health clinic is the best place to go for a test as you may require  a variety of tests including from your throat, penis (urine), and rectum. This link will let you know which clinics are available http://www.sexualhealthscotland.co.uk/get-help/sexual-health-service-finder

What else should I know?

Did you know about . . .

  1. PEPSE (post exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure) – this is medication available if you think you have been exposed to HIV by having unprotected sex with someone who you might consider high risk or to be HIV positive. You should receive this as soon as possible after the exposure but definitely within 72hours. You can obtain this from your nearest Emergency Department outwith office hours or phone 03457023687 Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm and ask for PEPSE.
  2. Hepatitis B immunisation – As men who have sex with other men are at higher risk of Hepatitis B there is a vaccine available at no cost to immunise you against Hepatitis B. This is available from a sexual health clinic.
  3. Most syphilis contracted in men who have sex in men in Scotland is passed through unprotected oral sex. It is therefore a good idea to get checked regularly for syphilis.
  4. Injecting drugs (and sharing equipment) is a risk factor for HIV, Hepatitis B and C. Snorting drugs (and sharing notes or straws) also increases the chance of catching these viruses. It is therefore a good idea to get checked regularly for these infections if this applies. Hepatitis B Immunisation will help protect against catching Hepatitis B from this route.
  5. Other risks for HIV, Hepatitis B and C include: click here for risks
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