Unplanned pregnancies are very common, with 1 in 5 resulting in termination of pregnancy. This can be a difficult decision to make at what can be a very emotional time.
The nurses and doctors at Sexual Health D&G are there to talk over the options with you. This includes discussing the long term implications, both physical and emotional, and considering practical matters such as what method of contraception you will use in the future.Video
This 4 minute video from NHS Lothian explains what happens when a young person is thinking of an abortion. Please note that in Dumfries and Galloway the sexual health clinic do not carry out scans or give the abortion medication. You will be referred to a clinic at the hospital for this.
The Law
The 1967 Abortion Act allows an abortion to be legally performed under certain conditions. Two doctors have to agree that the conditions are met and the law requires that both the referring doctor and the gynaecologist sign a form indicating the grounds for your case.
Abortion is available in Dumfries up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. If you are 20 weeks pregnant or more, we will to refer you to the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS). Abortions are carried out under The Abortion Act (Scotland). Abortion in the UK is available up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, provided certain criteria are met.
The criteria are as follows (at least one of them must apply to you):
- Your life is at greater risk if you continue with rather than terminate the pregnancy.
- Your physical or mental health is at greater risk if you continue with, rather than terminate, the pregnancy.
- The physical or mental health of any existing children of yours are at greater risk if you continue, rather than terminate, the pregnacy.
- There is a risk of grave permanent injury to your physical or mental health.
- There is a substantial risk that the child could suffer from serious physical or mental handicap.
To obtain a termination, at least one of these criteria must be met.